Why Consider Spring Wasp Control

Why Consider Spring Wasp Control

At the end of winter, all kinds of insects awaken from hibernation. Relatively harmless insects such as ants and flies emerge, but so do the more dangerous types, such as wasps, bees, and hornets. These insects are particularly feared for their painful sting, which is why you ought to pay attention to some simple tips we have for wasp control in the spring!


First, The Danger

While it’s uncommon to be in danger of immediate death from a wasp sting, the risk and likeliness of fatality rise with people who are allergic to their venomous stings.


It is true that while wasps normally mind their own business, their close proximity to any inhabited area makes the chances of aggression on their part more likely. So, what can you do to remove the danger of wasps living nearby?


Now, The Wasp Control

The name of the game is to lead dangerous flying insects such as wasps a good, safe distance from your home.


-Flowers At A distance

These flying insects are attracted to flowers, so if you’d like to avoid a flurry of stings anywhere near your home, consider moving your garden a distance away from your house’s immediate vicinity. That should lead the insects away from your house.


-Check The Exterior Of Your Home

Wasp nests are usually found in soffits, window corners, and on the underside of decks. Keeping a vigilant eye on these spots on the exterior of the house should help you confirm the presence of any wasps, and aid you in acting accordingly. Should you notice any small nests on the exterior of your home, it’s a good idea to remove it as soon as possible, as wasps tend to grow in numbers quickly. You can do this by using an insect spray, purchasable from any local hardware store, to terminate the nest’s inhabitants.



Any cracks or holes in your home is a danger zone! This is because insects can easily slip in and out of these cracks and holes. That being said, keep an eye on the upkeep of your home, and make sure there aren’t any gaping holes or angry cracks where wasps or other insects can spill through. If there are any holes or cracks, repair them IMMEDIATELY!


At the end of the day, if you’ve got a wasp problem, the best thing to do is call the extermination pros. Should you have any pest problems that plague your home and family, don’t hesitate to give us at Ontario Pest Control a call!