COVID-19 Update from Ontario

Ontario Pestcontrol is your trusted partner for pest prevention and we have a dedicated committee taking immediate steps to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. 

Our #1 priority is the safety of our employees and our customers. To support this priority, here are some of the important steps we’ve taken.

Mandatory Training has been completed by all Ontario staff to ensure they are armed with practical knowledge such as hand washing, sanitation and social distancing.

Personal Protection tools such as hand sanitizers, sanitizing spray for shoes and equipment and protective gloves have been provided to all Ontario employees. Facemasks and gloves are required 100% of the time while inside a customer’s location.

Work Safe means that any Ontario employee who is feeling ill will not visit customer locations and will be quarantined to home for 14 days.

Customer Signatures on Ontario Hand-Held devices and printed tickets will not be collected temporarily.  This will eliminate the need to pass Hand-Held units and paperwork back and forth, reducing the risk of transmission.

e-Tickets are available for Ontario customers. This produces an instant electronic version of service ticket to the customer, reducing the need to hand paper back-and-forth.

Mandatory Employee Questionnaires are being distributed regularly to monitor the health & wellness of all Ontario employees.