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Cockroach Exterminator


Because they move through various habitats, including garbage and sewers,  cockroaches are capable of transmitting diseases such as salmonella bacteria and many other potential pathogens. Higher rates of asthma and other allergic reactions have been linked to people living in infested buildings and homes. A cockroach’s decomposing body and feces contain proteins that can trigger allergies and other illnesses.

Did you know?

 Cockroaches have flattened elongated oval bodies with long thin legs and long antennae. These characteristics suit them well, as they are considered “thigmotactic” meaning they like closed spaces. They are attracted to food, warmth, water, and shelter and are usually found in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas where warmth and humidity are present. Think of a tropical environment.  Cockroaches will eat almost anything in sight, is extremely lazy, and will spend up to 75% of its time at rest.

No.  cockroaches do not normally damage properties.

Yes. Due to their movements through various habitats, including garbage and sewers,  cockroaches are capable of transmitting diseases such as salmonella bacteria and many other pathogens, allergies, and even dermatitis.

Cockroaches are attracted to food, water, and warm humid environments and will eat just about anything, particularly starchy foods.

Cockroaches are active year-round within properties.

Cockroaches are nocturnal and are most active at night. They prefer to hide in dark places during the day. If you see this pest during the day, it is an indication that a well-established population may be present.

No. The  cockroach can be found under any condition, where food, warmth, and shelter are present.

Cockroaches are a problem in hospitals, hotels, restaurants, bakeries, butcher shops, multi-unit residences, and homes.

They are usually found around sinks, behind stoves and refrigerators, as well as in drains and cracks.

  • Check for leaky faucets.  Cockroaches are attracted to moisture and need water to survive. A fully mature cockroach can live up to a month without food. However, without food or water, they can only survive for about two weeks.
  • Keep a clean kitchen. Make sure your counters are clean, sinks are clear of dirty dishes. And don't forget to sweep up food crumbs and mop spills to reduce readily available food sources! Take out the trash regularly and clean the bins!
  • Declutter to take away their hiding places!
  • Seal cracks and crevices around your home, especially around pipes entering wall voids, eliminating passageways to the house.


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